Traveling Wisely and Safely: Advice for Business Women

Today’s women travel frequently, and they do so globally. Most people are able to properly balance their personal and professional lives. According to statistics, women make up about 50% of business travelers, and that percentage is rising daily. Being prepared and organized when traveling on short notice is important. Plan well and far in advance.

  1. Keep a list of babysitters who are willing to help out, even overnight if necessary, handy. Keep a small notebook nearby where you may record information like the children’s eating habits, timetables, key phone numbers, likes, and dislikes, as well as their physicians’ contact information and a list of their medications, including any known allergies.

2. Constantly have a travel bag packed and prepared. Pack a variety of clothes that will keep you warm and dry no matter the climate where you are going. When traveling, dress in dark, easy-to-maintain hues. They are wrinkle-free, won’t show stains, and will drape nicely.

  1. Always consume light meals that are prepared; stay away from raw salads, water, and ice. It’s a good idea to eat something before a flight and try to get some shut-eye while flying. By doing this, you’ll reach your destination feeling rested. When traveling, make sure to drink lots of bottled water.

4. Establish a timetable for calling your family at convenient times for you and them. Make it a point to purchase souvenirs for your family, the babysitter, and anybody else that helps out while you are gone. It conveys your concern for them.

5. Always put safety first by posting a “do not disturb” sign on your hotel door. If you’re feeling uneasy, you may also put a chair under the door knob as in movies. Carry protection such as pepper spray, an alarm, or a small weapon with its safety on if you are trained and licensed, and keep your cell phone charged and on at all times. In the majority of cities, police departments hold workshops where women can learn how to defend themselves and what to do in an emergency. Make an effort to attend these.

6. Avoid driving on dimly lit and deserted highways. Never engage in conversation with strangers or take food or drink from people you don’t know. Never leave food or drink unattended while traveling. Be on the lookout at all times.

7 . Pick a hotel carefully. Select well-known hotels or tiny inns and B&Bs with family-run owners for your accommodations. Always send information about your lodging choices and travel schedules through fax and email to both your home and office.

8 . Always wear a money belt around your waist to carry your passport, cash, traveler’s checks, and other essentials.

9 . Always project confidence and move in groups since safety is always found in numbers.

  1. Visit a state-run hospital if you are ill. never to a medical spa.

11. Avoid taking expensive jewelry on trips, and always pack a compact flashlight and first aid kit.

  1. Make plans with your family to take the right steps if you don’t get in touch with them as expected for safety reasons.

Eat at the hotel dining room instead of ordering room service. Never divulge to anyone the specifics of your origin or your travel schedule.

You can travel frequently and safely if you are watchful and savvy.

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