
How To Find Trending Videos On YouTube

YouTube is one of the largest video-sharing platforms in the world. With over 2 billion active users, YouTube has become a powerful tool for content creators and marketers alike. One of the key strategies for success on YouTube is to create videos that are trending and have the potential to go viral. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at how to find trending videos on YouTube and stay ahead of the curve.

  1. Check the YouTube Trending Page The first and most obvious place to start is the YouTube Trending page. This is a dedicated section of the site that showcases the most popular videos of the day. The videos on the Trending page are updated regularly, so it’s important to check back often to see what’s new.
  2. Use YouTube Search Another way to find trending videos on YouTube is by using the search function. Type in keywords related to your industry or niche and look for videos that have high view counts and engagement. You can also filter your search results by date to see the most recent videos.
  3. Monitor Social Media Social media is a great way to stay up to date on the latest trends and viral videos. Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are great places to see what’s trending and which videos are getting the most engagement. Look for hashtags related to your industry or niche and see which videos are being shared the most.
  4. Subscribe to Popular YouTube Channels If you’re looking to create trending videos of your own, it’s important to stay up to date on what’s popular in your industry or niche. One way to do this is by subscribing to popular YouTube channels and watching their latest videos. This will give you a good idea of what’s resonating with viewers and what types of content are trending.
  5. Use YouTube Analytics YouTube Analytics is a powerful tool that can help you track the performance of your own videos and see what’s working and what’s not. It can also be used to research trending topics and see which videos are performing well in your industry or niche. Use the “Top Videos” report to see which videos are getting the most views and engagement.
  6. Look for Influencers in Your Niche Influencers are a great source of inspiration for trending videos. Look for influencers in your industry or niche and see which types of videos are getting the most engagement. This will give you a good idea of what types of videos are resonating with your target audience and what topics you should focus on in your own videos.

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In conclusion, finding trending videos on YouTube requires a combination of research, monitoring, and analysis. By using the tips outlined in this blog post, you can stay ahead of the curve and create videos that resonate with viewers and go viral. Remember to keep an eye on the YouTube Trending page, monitor social media, subscribe to popular YouTube channels, use YouTube Analytics, and look for influencers in your niche. With a little bit of effort and creativity, you can create trending videos that get millions of views and grow your audience on YouTube.