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What Does The Writers Guild Of America Do?

The Writers Guild of America (WGA) is a labor union that represents writers in the entertainment industry. Its primary objective is to advocate for and protect the rights of its members, including negotiating fair wages, benefits, and working conditions, as well as providing legal and career support.

The WGA was formed in 1933 in response to the exploitation of writers in Hollywood by the major studios. At the time, many writers were forced to sign contracts that gave up their rights to their work and provided little protection or compensation. The WGA was founded to address these issues and to give writers a collective voice in negotiations with the studios.

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Today, the WGA represents over 13,000 members who work in film, television, radio, and new media. Its members include screenwriters, TV writers, news writers, and video game writers. The WGA is composed of two separate unions, the WGA West and the WGA East, which represent writers in different parts of the United States.

One of the main roles of the WGA is to negotiate collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) with the major studios and networks. These agreements set the minimum wages and working conditions for writers in the industry. The WGA also negotiates deals with individual producers and studios for specific projects, such as feature films and TV series.

In addition to negotiating contracts, the WGA provides a range of services and resources to its members. These include legal and career support, including help with contracts, grievances, and disputes. The WGA also provides networking opportunities, job postings, and other resources to help writers advance their careers.

The WGA is also involved in advocacy and lobbying efforts to protect the rights of writers. For example, the WGA has been a strong advocate for copyright protection for writers, particularly in the digital age. The WGA has also been involved in efforts to increase diversity and inclusion in the entertainment industry, both in terms of the stories being told and the writers who are telling them.

One of the most important roles of the WGA is to enforce the collective bargaining agreements it negotiates. This includes monitoring compliance with the contracts and investigating and resolving disputes between writers and producers. The WGA has the power to take legal action against producers who violate the contracts, including filing grievances and strikes.

Overall, the Writers Guild of America plays a crucial role in advocating for and protecting the rights of writers in the entertainment industry. Through its collective bargaining agreements, legal and career support services, advocacy efforts, and enforcement of contracts, the WGA helps to ensure that writers are fairly compensated and have the resources and protections they need to succeed in their careers.

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